Special Diets

The Natchez-Adams School District may at their discretion make substitutions for individuals who are non-disabled students and medically dietary disabled students who are unable to consume a food item because of medical or other special dietary needs.  Such substitutions may be made on a case-by-case basis when supported by a statement signed by a recognized medical authority.  A recognized aurthority may include a medical doctor or a registered dietitian.

This medical statement should cover students, who have food intolerances or allergies.  The medical statement must include (1) identification of the medical or other dietary need which restricts the child's diet, (2) the specific food or foods to be omitted from the child's diet, and the specific food or choice of foods to be submitted, (3) wheither or not the food stated would cause a life-threatening reaction (anaphylactic reaction), and (4) signature of a licensed medical authority.

Medical statements must be on file in the school food service administrator's office, with the cafeteria manager where the student attends and with the school nurse where the student attends. There will not be an additional charge to the student for the substituted food. 

Students who are Seventh-Day Adventists must have a form on file which we can provide. This form must be on file in the school food service administrator's office. 

Both the medical statement and the form for Seventh-Day Adventists must be renewed every year. These forms can be hand-delivered or mailed to the Braden Administrative building at 10 Homochitto Street or faxed to the Child Nutrition Department at (601) 445-2962.


USDA Non-Discrimination Statement:   

Natchez-Adams School District and USDA are equal opportunity providers and employers.
For the complete USDA Non-Discrimination Statement, look here.